How to find the WWN (World Wide Name) in Sun Solaris

World Wide Name (WWN) are unique 8 byte (64-bit) identifiers in SCSI or fibre channel similar to that of MAC Addresses on a Network Interface Card (NIC).

Talking about the WWN names, there are also

World Wide port Name (WWpN), a WWN assigned to a port on a Fabric which is what you would be looking for most of the time.

World Wide node Name (WWnN), a WWN assigned to a node/device on a Fibre Channel fabric.

To find the WWN numbers of your HBA card in Sun Solaris, you can use one the following procedures

Using fcinfo (Solaris 10 only)

This is probably the easiest way to find the WWN numbers on your HBA card. Here you can see the HBA Port WWN (WWpN) and the Node WWN (WWnN) of the two ports on the installed Qlogic HAB card.

This is also useful in finding the Model number, Firmwar version FCode, supported and current speeds and the port status of the HBA card/port.


root@ sunserver:/root# fcinfo hba-port | grep WWN
HBA Port WWN: 2100001b32xxxxxx
Node WWN: 2000001b32xxxxxx
HBA Port WWN: 2101001b32yyyyyy
Node WWN: 2001001b32yyyyyy

For detailed info including Make & model number, Firmware, Fcode and current status and supported/current speeds then

root@ sunserver:/root# fcinfo hba-port
HBA Port WWN: 2100001b32xxxxxx
OS Device Name: /dev/cfg/c2
Manufacturer: QLogic Corp.
Model: 375-3356-02
Firmware Version: 4.04.01
FCode/BIOS Version:  BIOS: 1.24; fcode: 1.24; EFI: 1.8;
Type: N-port
State: online
Supported Speeds: 1Gb 2Gb 4Gb
Current Speed: 4Gb
Node WWN: 2000001b32xxxxxx
HBA Port WWN: 2101001b32yyyyyy
OS Device Name: /dev/cfg/c3
Manufacturer: QLogic Corp.
Model: 375-3356-02
Firmware Version: 4.04.01
FCode/BIOS Version:  BIOS: 1.24; fcode: 1.24; EFI: 1.8;
Type: unknown
State: offline
Supported Speeds: 1Gb 2Gb 4Gb
Current Speed: not established
Node WWN: 2001001b32yyyyyy


Using scli


root@ sunserver:/root# scli -i | egrep “Node Name|Port Name”
Node Name                  : 20-00-00-1B-32-XX-XX-XX
Port Name                  : 21-00-00-1B-32-XX-XX-XX
Node Name                  : 20-01-00-1B-32-YY-YY-YY
Port Name                  : 21-01-00-1B-32-YY-YY-YY


For more detailed info on the HBA Cards run as follows: Similar to fcinfo but also provides Model Name and serial number.


root@ sunserver:/root# scli -i
Host Name                  : sunserver
HBA Model                  : QLE2462
HBA Alias                  :
Port                       : 1
Port Alias                 :
Node Name                  : 20-00-00-1B-32-XX-XX-XX
Port Name                  : 21-00-00-1B-32-XX-XX-XX
Port ID                    : 11-22-33
Serial Number              : AAAAAAA-bbbbbbbbbb
Driver Version             : qlc-20080514-2.28
FCode Version              : 1.24
Firmware Version           : 4.04.01
HBA Instance               : 2
OS Instance                : 2
HBA ID                     : 2-QLE2462
OptionROM BIOS Version     : 1.24
OptionROM FCode Version    : 1.24
OptionROM EFI Version      : 1.08
OptionROM Firmware Version : 4.00.26
Actual Connection Mode     : Point to Point
Actual Data Rate           : 2 Gbps
PortType (Topology)        : NPort
Total Number of Devices    : 2
HBA Status                 : Online
Host Name                  : sunserver
HBA Model                  : QLE2462
HBA Alias                  :
Port                       : 2
Port Alias                 :
Node Name                  : 20-01-00-1B-32-YY-YY-YY
Port Name                  : 21-01-00-1B-32-YY-YY-YY
Port ID                    : 00-00-00
Serial Number              : AAAAAAA-bbbbbbbbbb
Driver Version             : qlc-20080514-2.28
FCode Version              : 1.24
Firmware Version           : 4.04.01
HBA Instance               : 3
OS Instance                : 3
HBA ID                     : 3-QLE2462
OptionROM BIOS Version     : 1.24
OptionROM FCode Version    : 1.24
OptionROM EFI Version      : 1.08
OptionROM Firmware Version : 4.00.26
Actual Connection Mode     : Unknown
Actual Data Rate           : Unknown
PortType (Topology)        : Unidentified
Total Number of Devices    : 0
HBA Status                 : Loop down


Using prtconf

root@ sunserver:/root# prtconf -vp | grep -i wwn
port-wwn:  2100001b.32xxxxxx
node-wwn:  2000001b.32xxxxxx
port-wwn:  2101001b.32yyyyyy
node-wwn:  2001001b.32yyyyyy

Using prtpicl

root@ sunserver:/root# prtpicl -v | grep wwn
:node-wwn  20  00  00  1b  32  xx  xx  xx
:port-wwn  21  00  00  1b  32  xx  xx  xx
:node-wwn  20  01  00  1b  32  yy  yy  yy
:port-wwn  21  01  00  1b  32  yy  yy  yy


Using luxadm

Run the following command to obtain the physical path to the HBA Ports

root@ sunserver:/root$ luxadm -e port
/devices/pci@400/pci@0/pci@9/SUNW,qlc@0/fp@0,0:devctl              CONNECTED
/devices/pci@400/pci@0/pci@9/SUNW,qlc@0,1/fp@0,0:devctl            NOT CONNECTED


With the physical path obtained from the above command, we can trace the WWN numbers as follows. here I use the physical path to the one that is connected:

root@ sunserver:/root$ luxadm -e dump_map /devices/pci@400/pci@0/pci@9/SUNW,qlc@0/fp@0,0:devctl
Pos  Port_ID Hard_Addr Port WWN         Node WWN         Type
0    123456  0         1111111111111111 2222222222222222 0x0  (Disk device)
1    789123  0         1111111111111111 2222222222222222 0x0  (Disk device)
2    453789  0         2100001b32xxxxxx 2000001b32xxxxxx 0x1f (Unknown Type,Host Bus Adapter)


Hope this helps. If you know of any more way then please feel free to post it to the comments and I shall amend it to the article.

14 thoughts on “How to find the WWN (World Wide Name) in Sun Solaris”

  1. I’ve got some troubles finding the WWN’s of card not sell by Sun (Qlogic and Emulex branded). These are some tips to find the WWN of them:


    You have to have installed the emulex utilities. Change to directory /usr/sbin/lpfc, and run lputil64 to find the WWN:

    LightPulse Common Utility for Solaris/SPARC. Version 1.5a0 (12/18/2002).
    Copyright (c) 2002, Emulex Network Systems, Inc.

    Emulex Fibre Channel Host Adapters Detected: 1
    Host Adapter 0 (lpfc0) is an LP9K (Ready Mode)


    1. List Adapters
    2. Adapter Information
    3. Firmware Maintenance
    4. Reset Adapter
    5. Persistent Bindings

    0. Exit

    Enter choice => 2


    1. PCI Configuration Parameters
    2. Adapter Revision Levels
    3. Wakeup Parameters
    4. IEEE Address
    5. Loop Map
    6. Status & Counters
    7. Link Status
    8. Configuration Parameters

    0. Return to Main Menu

    Enter choice => 4

    IEEE Address for Adapter 0:

    10000000 C93A181A

    QLOGIC (qlogic 2200):

    You need the qlogic utilities installed aswell. Change to the installation directory:

    root@somehost{/}#cd /opt/QLogic_Corporation/drvutil/qla2200

    You’ll see some utilities there.

    qldriverop qlfwdmp_readme.txt qlreconfig
    qldriverop_readme.txt qlogic_adapters qlreconfig_readme.txt
    qlfwdmp qlogic_adapters_readme.txt readme.txt

    Next step is to find the control devices of the qlogic cards:

    root@somehost{/opt/QLogic_Corporation/drvutil/qla2200}#find /devices -name ‘QLGC*:devctl’

    With this information, run the following command of the desired control device:

    ./qldriverop -d /devices/pci@13c,600000/QLGC,qla@1:devctl -c fcid

    And finally go to the /var/adm/messages and take a look:

    Jun 4 13:00:20 somehost qla2200: ID 670390 hba1: driverop fcdisplay
    Jun 4 13:00:20 somehost qla2200: ID 568177 hba1-adapter-node-name=”200000e08b0b973f”;
    Jun 4 13:00:20 somehost qla2200: ID 562076 hba1-adapter-port-name=”210000e08b0b973f”;
    Jun 4 13:00:20 somehost qla2200: ID 720712 hba1-adapter-port-id=”6f1013″;
    Jun 4 13:00:20 somehost qla2200: ID 564312 hba1-SCSI-target-id-1-fibre-channel-node-name=”5006048c52a71a82″;
    Jun 4 13:00:20 somehost qla2200: ID 558211 hba1-SCSI-target-id-1-fibre-channel-port-name=”5006048c52a71a82″;

    As a final note, in order to find the WWN of a JNIC card (old) this is how i managed to find it:

    root@somehost{/}#prtconf -vp | grep -i my_wwn_
    my_wwn_hi: 10000001
    my_wwn_lo: 73011218
    my_wwn_hi: 10000001
    my_wwn_lo: 73011170

    Join together hi+lo and you’ll have the wwn

  2. to Admin, Thank you!!! never thought there’s this many ways to get WWN out of a solaris box.

  3. Is there a way to get the HBA WWN on a newly racked SPARC T3-2 server that has not been powered up?

  4. Dear Admin,

    I want to check physical path in solaris after mpxio, how to check it ?

    previously, i have below information ,


    after mpxio enabled , when i check in /dev, i get below,

    root # echo |format
    Searching for disks…done

    0. c6t500000E011C03930d0
    1. c6t20000014C37167A4d0
    2. c6t20000014C371420Dd0
    3. c6t20000014C3716083d0

    I will change the nvram parameter for mirroring O/S disk,
    can you help me



  5. SCLI is qlogic only. It is the qlogic management utility. The fcinfo and prtcipl commands will work with any fiber HBA.

    That being said, go with qlogic 🙂 Sysadmins are creatures of habit and let’s just say I have had a lot more luck with qlogic than emulex (brocades: not enough experience yet). When I first started in SAN we had Solaris servers with Sun JBOD and the Emulex adapters were causing “blips” and even crashed our main db. A call to Sun support had them recommending swapping qlogic for the emulex and we had no problems after that. Granted this is back in 2008, but considering how much development they put in their drivers AND management utilities (SCLI), I love them (Yes, they are ..what, 2x the cost? Worth it)

  6. By the way, scli is a qlogic downloadable utility. VERY handy. Seriously handy. Not to mention QLogic seems to have fewer issues than Emulex, at least about five years back. Haven’t tried Emulex with Sun/Solaris since then. scli does basic fact gathering as well as health checks (but for the latter you might want the GUI version not the cli)

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